The Voice of the Smoke Control Industry
Mission statement
The Smoke Control Association's (SCA) aim is to promote and enhance the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of life safety smoke ventilation systems across all types of building.
Our members strive to lead the market and to ensure that all smoke ventilation systems and products are designed and installed in accordance with all relevant regulations and standards, for the benefit of building owners, building occupants and the wider community.
A credible and established voice, raising standards across the industry
The SCA is part of the Federation of Environmental Trade Associations (FETA), which was established in 1984. The SCA itself was set-up in 1987 and has over 40 members involved in the design, manufacture, supply and fitting of smoke control equipment and systems.
We work closely with government, particularly MHCLG and the Home Office, as well as Local Authority Building Control, Fire Brigades and independent building inspectors, to raise awareness and technical understanding.

David has worked within the Smoke Control industry for over 34 years in various Technical, Business Development and Senior Management roles and has been directly involved in the design and installation of some of the largest and most complex Smoke Control systems in the UK.

Allan has over 30 years experience of the HVAC industry, in roles such as as MD, VP and consultant to numerous companies across the sector.
His role is raising the profile of the SCA, its members and associated products throughout the UK. Allan is dedicated to promoting and raising awareness of fire and smoke control for all building types. In particular this involves giving CPD presentations on HEVAC product types and applications.

Chris has wide-ranging public affairs, policy and regulatory experience across the construction, energy and transport sectors. His role for the Smoke Control Association, working closely with technical consultant Allan Hurdle, is to raise the Association’s profile amongst government and a wide range of stakeholders. Chris also works on a consultancy basis for the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) and the Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management (IHEEM).
About smoke control
If there is a fire, a well-designed smoke control system can save lives and help protect property. It will:

Keep escape and access routes free from smoke

Facilitate fire-fighting operations

Delay or prevent flashover, reducing the risk of the fire developing further

Protect the contents of the building

Reduce the risk of damage to the building