The Voice of the Smoke Control Industry
As experts in smoke control, Smoke Control Association (SCA) members lead the way in promoting and enhancing the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of life safety smoke ventilation systems and ensuring only independently tested and certified products are installed in buildings.
On this website you will be able to learn about the different types of smoke control systems and the benefits of working with SCA members.
The site also provides a range of SCA technical guides and other information. These are free to download though you will need to register here first.
Here we’ve put together some commonly asked questions to give you more information about Smoke Control
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Membership is open to any company or organisation involved in the manufacture and supply of smoke control equipment and systems
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A range of practical resources to help organisations
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HSE publishes letter clarifying BSR approach
Philip White, Chief Inspector of Buildings and Director of Building Safety at the HSE, has published a letter on the use of BS 9991 in relation to applications for Building Control Approval.
DBT updates payment reporting guidance
The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) has updated its guidance to the Reporting on Payment Practices and Performance Regulations, setting out how companies should report on new metrics on retentions.
Changes to CSCS Cards
Following the introduction of the Building Safety Act, which requires individuals to be competent to undertake their roles, CSCS is making changes to the Labourer and Trainees card from 1st February.
Building Safety Regulator set to issue Gateway Two statement
Following a request from Build UK, the Building Safety Regulator (BSR) is expected to issue a statement confirming that Gateway Two applications must demonstrate how they will meet the functional requirements of Building Regulations.
SCA appoints two new Vice-Chairs
The SCA recently took the decision to appoint two Vice-Chairs to assist the current Chair, David Mowatt, in coordinating current and future strategy.
SCA supports CROSS-UK Safety Alert - “Smoke vents rendered inoperable by building work.”
CROSS-UK has issued a critical Safety Alert relating to smoke vents.
Government Launches Industrial Strategy
The Government has published a green paper to kickstart delivery of its modern Industrial Strategy, a 10‐year plan designed to drive economic growth across the country.
Draft legislation on retentions re-laid
The draft legislation to introduce new metrics on retentions has now been re‐laid by the Department for Business and Trade (DBT).
Changes to Construction Industry Scheme
Over the last six months, HMRC has made a number of changes to the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS).
Approved Documents now available as fully searchable PDF
The Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety made a recommendation to publish a fully searchable PDF of all Approved Documents.
CLC publishes golden thread guidance
The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) has published much anticipated guidance on the golden thread.
Life safety systems and raising competency levels across the UK
As part of a campaign to raise standards across the UK, David Mowatt, Chairman of the Smoke Control Association (SCA), explains why all regions should be using certified installers and demanding proof of compliance.
Build UK updates Building Safety Regime guide
Build UK recently updated its guide to the Building Safety Regime to include all the information published in connection with the latest phase of the regime from 6 April.
Public sector payment requirements update
From 1st April 2024, companies bidding for Government contracts over £5 million per annum will have to demonstrate that they pay invoices within an average of 55 days.
Industry Accreditation deadline looms
From 30th June 2024, cards carrying the CSCS logo obtained via Industry Accreditation will no longer be renewed and all such cards will expire on 31 December 2024.
Competence Steering Group publishes third report
A new report from the Competence Steering Group is urging companies and individuals to adopt new competence practices and measures for a safer built environment.
Building Safety Regulator approaches ‘pivotal phase’ in 2024
The Building Safety Regulator (BSR) has laid out its expectations for the year ahead, reaffirming its commitment to raising safety, standards and performance across the built environment.
OPSS Delivery Report 2022-2023
OPSS has published its Delivery Report 2022 – 2023 which outlines activity and achievements to protect consumers and enable business growth through effective and proportionate product regulation.
CROSS UK publishes safety report on stack effect and considerations for smoke control
CROSS UK has published a report on the stack effect and considerations for smoke control.
Further steps taken to improve payment practices
The Government’s Payment and Cash Flow Review report confirms that the Reporting on Payment Practices and Performance Regulations will be extended by a further seven years.
New procurement legislation introduced
New procurement rules have now become law following the Royal Assent of the Procurement Act.
Government launches Product Safety Review consultation
The Department for Business and Trade has launched a public consultation concerning the government’s Product Safety Review.
Government unveils Building Safety Act secondary legislation details
The Government has released details of further secondary legislation relating to the Building Safety Act.
Government announces extension of CE mark recognition
The Government has announced its intention to indefinitely extend the use of CE marking for businesses.
Independent Review of the Construction Product Testing Regime published
The government has published Paul Morrell’s Independent Review of the Construction Product Testing Regime.
Smoke installer scheme classifications added to SDI 19 certificates
In order to differentiate between the different services, scope and experience offered by SDI 19 Certificated installer companies, the SCA has added categories to SDI 19 Certificates.
Visit the SCA at the Fire Safety Event
The Smoke Control Association is one of the industry partners supporting the Fire Safety Event at the NEC Birmingham from 25th to 27th April 2023.
CLC announces support for private sector playbook
The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) is backing a new Private Sector Construction Playbook, published by the Construction Productivity Taskforce.
CE marking to continue to be recognised in Great Britain for a further two years
Government has announced its intention to introduce legislation to continue recognition of the CE marking and reversed epsilon marking until 31 December 2024.
SCA backs Fire Sector Federation Blueprint for Fire Safety
The SCA is backing a new industry initiative promoting the development of a national fire strategy.
SCA presentation on Safe and Compliant Residential High Rise
Ian Doncaster's SCA presentation on Safe and Compliant Residential High Rise delivered at the Tall Buildings Conference is now available to download.
Government launches ambitious plans for fire reform and fire safety improvements
The most comprehensive plans for fire reform in decades have been set out today in the government’s Fire Reform White Paper, which will help strengthen the emergency services and seek to ensure people feel safer in their homes.
Building Safety Bill receives Royal Assent
Following a lengthy period of debate and amendments, the Government’s Building Safety Bill has now received Royal Assent. The Bill is intended to ‘create lasting generational change’ to the way high risk and residential buildings are constructed and maintained.
SCA member features on latest ASFP podcast
SCA member Simon Plummer recently appeared on an Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP) Podcast discussing the SCA/FMA Best Practice Guide To Smoke Extract Fan Maintenance.
Smoke Control Association Webinars 2022
The Smoke Control Association is delighted to announce its first series of CPD accredited webinars for 2022 which take place in February and March.
SCA releases new industry guide
The Smoke Control Association (SCA) has released another new reference guide designed to encourage best practice and raise industry standards.
SCA and FMA release new smoke extract fan maintenance guide
A new guidance document – ‘Smoke extract fan maintenance; Best practice guide ensuring that your life safety equipment is fit for purpose’ – has now been published by the SCA and the FMA.
Government publishes further guidance on placing manufactured goods on the market
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has published additional guidance on placing manufactured goods on the market in Great Britain using the CE and UKCA mark.
Updates to industry competence factsheet
UK government has updated the guidance document – Industry competence: factsheet.
SCA set to host FPA seminar
On Thursday 21st October 2021 SCA consultant Paul White will be presenting a topical seminar titled ‘Installing, maintaining and testing your smoke control system’ and registration is now open for those interested in attending.
SCA presents at Fire Safety Event
The SCA recently took part in two highly informative seminars sessions at the Fire Safety Event in Birmingham.
New central register and certification scheme for Building Safety Managers launched
The Building Safety Alliance, an independent industry led ‘not for profit’ organisation, has been launched.
SCA welcomes Expert Group statement on building safety
The Smoke Control Association (SCA) has welcomed a statement from a group of independent experts on building safety in medium and lower-rise blocks of flats.
Building safety bill published
The Government has published the Building Safety Bill, which outlines the most significant changes to building safety regulation in a generation.
Chairman’s message of support for Know your Building campaign
In support of the Fire Protection Association’s (FPA) Know Your Building campaign, David Mowatt, Chairman of the SCA, has recorded a short video message.
SCA signs up to Fire Safety Event
The SCA is pleased to announce that the association has signed up to be a supporter of the Fire Safety Event and will have a dedicated SCA stand and speaking slot at the Birmingham based event taking place on 7-9th September 2021.
MHCLG publishes ‘gateway one’ guidance
The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) has published guidance outlining the responsibilities of planning applicants and local authorities at ‘planning gateway one’ under the Building Safety Bill.
Apprentice incentive payments deadline
The deadline for employers to claim the incentive payment for new apprentices hired between 1st August 2020 and March 2021 is fast approaching.
Government to introduce Skills and Post-16 Education Bill
As announced in the Queen’s Speech earlier this week, the Skills and Post-16 Education Bill will be introduced on 18 May.
Controversial Fire Safety Bill becomes law
New legislation which could result in leaseholders facing financial ruin has passed through Parliament after MPs voted against an amendment to the Fire Safety Bill.
1% of buildings complying with vital fire safety measure
Despite their crucial fire safety role, huge numbers of fire and smoke dampers remain untested in thousands of buildings across the UK, according to the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA).
PI Insurance for Construction
Since the Grenfell Tower fire, companies in the construction industry have found it increasingly difficult to secure appropriate and affordable Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance.
SCA involved in ASFP passive fire protection webinar
Alan Meek of Group SCS represented the SCA at a recent Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP) webinar on Passive Fire Protection for Designers & Specifiers.
Passive fire protection and modern forms of compartmentation webinars
The ASFP will be hosting a passive fire protection webinar on 31 March, followed by a a practical session on modern forms of compartmentation on 19th May.
HSE announces new Chief Inspector of Buildings
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has announced the appointment of a Chief Inspector of Buildings to establish and lead the new Building Safety Regulator (BSR).
New regulator established to ensure construction materials are safe
The government has introduced a new national regulator to ensure homes are built from safe construction materials and products.
SCA releases guidance on CFD analysis for smoke control design
The Smoke Control Association (SCA) has published a new guidance document titled ‘SCA guidance on CFD analysis for Smoke Control design in Buildings’.
FPA launches Know Your Building campaign
The Fire Protection Association (FPA) has launched its ‘Know Your Building’ campaign in a bid help building owners and managers better understand the threat posed by fire and help to bolster business resilience
SCA offers six CIBSE certified CPD presentations
The Smoke Control Association now has six CIBSE certified CPD presentations available to present to its range of audiences.
Smoke Control Association white paper considers ADB grey areas
The Smoke Control Association (SCA) has published a white paper titled ‘Guidance on the Specification of Products and Systems for Smoke Shafts.'
Three SCA presentations now certified by CIBSE
The Smoke Control Association has had three of its educational CPD presentations approved by CIBSE.
IFSEC Global November 2020
David Mowatt discusses the pressing need for change and outlines the reasons behind the SCA’s introduction of a third-party accredited smoke control Installer certification scheme.
Hackitt hints at plan to reward ‘early adopters’ and warns that some firms will not survive reform
Dame Judith Hackitt has announced plans to recognise companies who reform their working practices before they are forced to by new regulations.
SCA members commit to strict compliance requirements
The Smoke Control Association (SCA) has announced that all of its members have signed up to stringent new membership requirements designed to maintain the highest industry standards.
Improving competency and testing for smoke control systems
New accreditation and certification schemes have been launched to improve competency and compliance in the smoke control sector. Alex Smith talks to Allan Hurdle about the industry’s response to the Hackitt report.
SDI 19 Scheme for Installers of Smoke Control Systems gains UKAS approval
UKAS has confirmed IFC Certification’s scope extension which incorporates nine additional scopes to the existing IFC UKAS accreditation. This includes the SDI 19 Scheme for Installers of Smoke Control Systems and means the scheme is now officially UKAS approved.
SCA secures CIBSE accreditation for second CPD course
The Smoke Control Association (SCA) has announced that it has secured CIBSE accreditation for its latest CPD presentation aimed at building consultants, engineers, contactors and designers with an interest in the design, specification and installation of smoke control systems in apartment buildings.
FETA and the Coronavirus
In the light of the Government’s latest announcements on public health measures related to the COVID-19 virus FETA has adjusted its working practices accordingly. Staff are now working from home, and to that end, until further notice, we will no longer organise physical meetings at the Hare Hatch offices, or elsewhere.
What you need to know about coronavirus and how it will impact your business
The Construction Industry Council and the Construction Leadership Council both provide useful advice for the Construction Industry during these unprecedent times
SCA Technical Consultant to chair new BSI Working Group
Allan Hurdle, Technical Consultant to the SCA, is now chairman of the new BSI Working Group - FSH/025/0-/05 Smoke Fans Group - for post installation, service and maintenance.
SCA releases updated guidance document
The Smoke Control Association (SCA) has released an updated version of its comprehensive ‘Guidance on Smoke Control to Common Escape Routes in Apartment Buildings’ document.
Presentation given by Allan Hurdle of the SCA on the 27 January at the FPA seminar
Click here to download the SCA presentation in PDF format, given at the recent FPA 'building a Safer future' seminar
SCA at the BESA National Conference
At the recent BESA National Conference held in London, the SCA was asked to be part of the Fire Safety Panel and update delegates on the latest position of their IFC Competence Scheme and the 12 Working Groups set up after the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
Phase 1 report into Grenfell Tower fire released
Sir Martin Moore-Bick’s phase 1 report into the Grenfell Tower fire is now available
CIBSE accredited CPD course
The Smoke Control Association (SCA) has introduced a new CIBSE accredited continuing professional development (CPD) presentation for consultants, engineers, designers and contractors interested in the certification and testing of smoke control products.
Don’t cut corners on fire safety, says SCA
The Smoke Control Association (SCA) has warned companies to stop cutting corners when it comes to fire safety in commercial buildings or risk breaching the Fire Safety Order 2005 and facing prosecution and hefty fines.
PBC Today August 2019
SCA Chairman David Mowatt discusses future Building Regulations: competence, compliance and a commitment to change in PBC Today.
Government announces clarification of language contained in Approved Document B
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has announced that Approved Document B has been redrafted to clarify its language and content in line with the Department’s style guide for approved documents.
SCA welcomes Hackitt implementation plan
In response to the recent announcement that the Government plans to introduce a tougher regulatory system for building safety, the Smoke Control Association (SCA) has voiced its full support for the proposed programme of reform.
SCA welcomes Hackitt implementation plan
In response to the recent announcement that the Government plans to introduce a tougher regulatory system for building safety, the Smoke Control Association (SCA) has voiced its full support for the proposed programme of reform.
65% of residential tower blocks failing on fire safety
The latest Hackitt Review Update Seminar held by the Fire Protection Association (FPA) highlighted some worrying statistics.
Smoke Control Association and BAFSA Issue Joint Statement
The Grenfell fire tragedy and subsequently the Dame Judith Hackitt report have focused attention and scrutiny on fire safety systems
Setting the Standard – SE Controls becomes the first SCA IFC SDI 19 certified company
SE Controls has become the first company to be approved under the new SDI 19 certification scheme, which has been developed by the Smoke Control Association (SCA) in partnership with IFC Certification and has been introduced to help raise standards across the industry.
SCA signs up to support 100% Hackitt initiative
The Smoke Control Association (SCA) has declared its backing for a new industry initiative launched to encourage the government to deliver on all of the recommendations laid out in Dame Judith Hackitt’s independent review of building regulations and fire safety processes.
Clearing the air on mechanical smoke extraction guidance
The current lack of definitive guidance for auditing mechanical smoke extraction designs in high-rise buildings means that their specification is often based on cost rather than verifiable information on their performance.
Lessons from Grenfell
As product design and technology moves on apace, MBS looks at some key trends in design for building services and what's driving them. Buildings and occupants are constantly changing, and so the requirements for services design must also evolve.
Roundtable – key issues around smoke control regulation after Grenfell
Fire safety issues flagged by Dame Judith Hackitt after Grenfell were tackled by smoke control experts at a recent roundtable sponsored by Colt. Liza Young follows an in-depth debate on competency, guidance and whole life fire strategy.
SCA Helps Develop New Certification Scheme for Contractors Installing Smoke Control Systems
A new certification scheme developed by the Smoke Control Association (SCA), in partnership with IFC Certification, has been finalised and is expected to help raise standards across the industry.