The Smoke Control Association has had three of its educational CPD presentations approved by CIBSE. The highly informative educational courses are presented by Allan Hurdle, technical consultant to the SCA, and cover a range of important topics linked to smoke control systems.
The first presentation updates attendees on the action the Smoke Control Association has taken, post Grenfell and the Dame Judith Hackett review, on introducing a UKAS applied Independent Installer Certification Scheme for SCA members and Building Installers who purchase and install smoke control products. The presentation is aimed at raising awareness of the actions the SCA has taken in being proactive in supporting the DJH recommendations.
The second presentation provides an insight into the SCA guide to common escape routes in apartment buildings. As well as describing appropriate types of product and fitting location, the presentation clarifies the various BS/EN standards a smoke control system must adhere to fulfil competency and compliance standards.
The third presentation is a guide to CFD design and has been developed by members involved in designing smoke control systems, for installing smoke control products in a building or car park to ensure that they perform as intended in the event of a fire. This is a complex subject and the presentation provides an overview of the CFD design with smoke flow within a building to optimise the location of smoke removal products.
It is hoped that two further SCA presentations – one on the commissioning of smoke shafts and the other on car park design considerations – will also gain CIBSE approval in the near future.
Each of these presentations are approximately 40 minutes long and can be tailored to have question and answer sections. Anyone interested in the courses should get in touch via the SCA contact page - www.smokecontrol.org.uk/contact